Assistant Professor

University of Maryland
Job Type
Brief Description

The Maryland Quantum Materials Center (QMC) supports cutting-edge experimental research in physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering; the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) researchers work at the intersection of quantum information, AMO physics, and CM physics. Including a diverse range of faculty, research scientists, graduate and undergraduate students, researchers tackle topics ranging from the search for new quantum materials to the design of electronic devices that employ new physical principles. We seek candidates with exceptional promise of major future achievements who will lead innovative research efforts in fields broadly aligned with or complementing our existing strengths and interests, including candidates with expertise in quantum materials synthesis and exploration, measurement and characterization techniques, and new quantum-based devices. Outstanding candidates in all fields of experimental quantum condensed matter physics will be considered, including senior level positions.

Level of Education
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Job Location

College Park, MD
United States

Job Post Expiration Date
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